
How To Set Up Tacx Trainer

  • #1

Ok guys, numpty alert.
I have bought a Tacx Catamenia Smart to encounter if I tin become into this indoor training stuff. Just awaiting sourcing a rear wheel (non piece of cake during this Covid-19 outbreak) as I do non want to go along irresolute tyres on my just road cycle.
I have prepare the trainer and downloaded any updates then that is fine. Downloaded the app and sorted all that. I accept decided that to start with I am going to avert the likes of Zwift etc and but piece of work on Tacx Grooming plans. For this aim I watched a adept Youtube video nearly going to Tacx cloud and "Following" training plans such equally "Ground Work, Low Intensity 1". According to the video once that is washed go back to the app and select workouts by People you follow and they volition exist there.
Mine are not. They shown Tacx deject but not in the app.
Do you have to sign up to Premium for them to be available? I idea if they were on my cloud they would be on my app.
Please whatsoever communication appreciated.
Kind regards,

  • #3

They are premium features, and so yes you'd need to sign up to their subscription model.

You need to sign into the app with the same e-mail y'all log into the cloud. This applies whether gratuitous or premium.

For free you can create your ain workouts. First matter to do is the built in ramp test to set your FTP. Then you tin create workouts as a percentage of your FTP. Equally you become fitter yous can retest almost once every 4 weeks and see your ftp increase and not need to edit the workouts, they will automatically adjust to the new level.

The workouts you create will synchronise to the app if yous are signed in.

Good luck I use the Tacx apps only just free with the workouts I've created.

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  • #4

Oh and when you put the wheel on the turbo, do the calibration step. This sets the rolling resistance and ability values, so the figures it displays are consequent and realistic. Try and keep training tyre at aforementioned force per unit area each time you use information technology.

  • #5

I tin't assist with the Tacx app setup, merely I have the aforementioned trainer and have never bothered with a preparation specific tyre. Information technology depends on what tyre you use of grade, but my road tyre has lasted years on the turbo.

If yous're simply planning to use it during lockdown I'd save the expense of the trainer tyre :smile:

This. I just utilize a standard tyre on mine, and no sign of wear subsequently iv years.

I take in the past used Michelin Pro Race tyres on the turbo. If you put too much pressure on the tyre, then they will wear. You lot just need enough to stop the wheel slipping when you put the power down.

Ive non bothered with the Tacx app.

  • #half dozen

I tin can't assistance with the Tacx app setup, but I take the same trainer and have never bothered with a training specific tyre. It depends on what tyre yous utilize of course, merely my road tyre has lasted years on the turbo.

If you're simply planning to use it during lockdown I'd save the expense of the trainer tyre :smile:

Thank you the trainer I bought came with a free tacx trainer tyre that is the reason I was going to fix up another bike with it on. Still the expense of an actress wheel though. Hadn't even cosidered using the one already on mmmmmmm maybe.
Kind regards DJ

  • #viii

They are premium features, so yes you lot'd need to sign up to their subscription model.

Y'all need to sign into the app with the aforementioned email y'all log into the cloud. This applies whether free or premium.

For free you tin create your ain workouts. First thing to do is the built in ramp test to set your FTP. And then y'all tin create workouts as a pct of your FTP. As you get fitter you can retest about once every four weeks and meet your ftp increase and not need to edit the workouts, they will automatically adjust to the new level.

The workouts yous create will synchronise to the app if you are signed in.

Proficient luck I apply the Tacx apps but but free with the workouts I've created.

Cheers for your bright reply. Seen the Ramp/Ftp examination and do intend to do that asap. I just take one Tacx business relationship and then I'm sure I've signed in correctly, I judge it is as you say considering I haven't fully signed up the Premium one's I have followed in cloud will just show upwardly on the app when I do. Equally I tin can get a practiced idea what the plan looks like on deject I assume in that location is no reason I cannot create my ain like and use those on the app?
Kind regards

  • #nine

Oh and when you lot put the bike on the turbo, do the scale step. This sets the rolling resistance and power values, so the figures information technology displays are consequent and realistic. Endeavor and keep preparation tyre at same pressure each time you use it.

Aye I have read that ane somewhere.
Thanks again

  • #10

If you want to attempt something on the cheap and then how about using all the free trials that are available. For instance if you have never tried Sufferfest then the ALLINSUFPLAN code at registration will give you a 45 day gratuitous trial rather than 14. There are enough of free trials that are way meliorate than thew standard Tacx offering. RGT is free at the moment likewise.

Give thanks yous so much I will take a wait at these.
Kind regards

  • #fourteen

Guys, with Tacx in detail is the ix.99 euros month by calendar month please? Non sure if i will take to the whole turbo thing so exercise not want to become too tied in. Every bit you lot say if information technology is, for a tenner information technology is worth a try.
Kind regards

  • #15

Every bit @YukonBoy says the training plans are a premium feature. I'yard not entirely convinced that the plans alone are actually worth the subscription. I've started out on the "Groundwork" and it's really no more interesting than some of the plans bachelor for free (eg the Bora Hansgrohe programme that you can find in public workouts). I don't know


anything about structured preparation and so take my opinions on that with a pinch of salt.

Equally @YukonBoy also notes there is a (non premium feature) FTP ramp test, and also a twenty min attempt FTP test. I always have problem locating the 20 min try test. I can't remember where it is in the menus, but information technology'southward non where you'd expect! Once you've done the exam it automatically stores your FTP in your contour, so when you do a power based workout it then knows what, say, 75% FTP means in Watts.

What y'all might be interested in as other premium features are:
The ability to upload your own GPX files and ride simulations of them.
The power to ride the real fourth dimension movies.

I've activated a complimentary month of Premium that came with my trainer, and I call up the existent fourth dimension movies are absolutely ace. I've really enjoyed them. Not sure whether I'll move onto a paid subscription though every bit in that location are other simulators like Bkool and BigRingVR* that besides do this kind of matter and may exist better, I don't know I've not tried them yet.

Then of course there's Zwift, but I know sod all about that. Apparently it's for sociable people so that's me ruled out.

* requires an Emmet+ dongle to connect to my PC. So can't try that until I become 1 ... which given how things are may take a while to deliver.

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